FAQ: These Limiting Beliefs - Answers to the Most Common Objections About Juggling

Will Hitchcock

12/11/20243 min read

These Limiting Beliefs

1. "I’m too clumsy to juggle."

Clumsiness is precisely one of the reasons why juggling is so beneficial!
By practicing, you improve your coordination and motor skills. Everyone starts somewhere, and learning to juggle step by step is accessible to all.

This is how you become "skilled"—through practice and repetition. Just like learning to drive, read, or write.

Moreover, making mistakes is normal and an essential part of the process. Don’t be afraid of failure, and you’ll see yourself progress.

2. "It's to hard!"

Like any activity, juggling may seem intimidating at first, but there are simple techniques to get started.
Progress comes quickly, and every step is rewarding.

Every juggler has been there before it became "easy" for them—it's all about repetition, I promise.
You’ll be surprised at what you can achieve in just a few days!

3. "I'm not talented."

Coordination isn’t something you’re born with—it develops through practice.
Juggling is a skill anyone can learn, no matter their starting level.

Even the best jugglers started out by dropping the balls!
And with certain types of juggling, like poi, nothing falls to the ground since they’re attached to your fingers.

4. "I don’t have the time."

Juggling requires just a few minutes a day to deliver significant benefits.
You can even fit in short sessions during your breaks at work or at home.
It’s a relaxing activity that can quickly boost your energy levels.

5. "It's not for me, it feels too much like a circus act."

Juggling goes far beyond the circus.
It’s a mental and physical exercise used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and even students to enhance focus, reduce stress, and boost creativity.
It’s an accessible and beneficial activity for everyone, no matter your background or interests.

6. "I’m going to look ridiculous."
Juggling is, above all, a personal activity.
Many people start at home, in private, before juggling in public.
And if you juggle in front of friends, it can become a source of laughter and shared moments, not judgment.
If not, maybe it’s time to find new friends!
7. "It’s pointless / It’s a waste of time."

Juggling offers a multitude of benefits: it improves concentration, reduces stress, stimulates the brain, and even strengthens social bonds when practiced in a group. It’s both a creative pastime and a tool for developing skills that are useful in many other areas of life.

8. "I’m too old for that."

There is no age limit for learning to juggle!
Whether you’re young or not so young, juggling is a gentle activity that can be practiced at any stage of life.
What’s more, it’s excellent for maintaining fine motor skills and mental agility at any age.

9. "I don’t have any equipment."

No problem! You can start with everyday objects, such as rolled-up socks or foam balls. Once you’re ready, you can invest in proper equipment, like what we offer, to enhance your experience.

Our equipment and tutorials here

"Overcoming your limiting beliefs means opening yourself up to all that juggling can offer you:

Boost your self-confidence, improve your reflexes, develop your coordination, stimulate your mind, create connections with others, and above all, fully enjoy yourself while having fun.

And now that you know all its benefits, this enjoyment will never again be a guilty pleasure."